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Barry Farah

Your Citizen Mandates that Uphold Pillars of Freedom #6: Liberty vs. Slavery

By History, Slavery

Episode #70 – In the sixth episode of the Citizen Mandate mini-series, Barry delivers a powerful talk about the history of the anti-slavery movement in the U.S. dating back to the Revolutionary War. Learn about John Adams, George Washington, Patrick Henry, and the historical context in which they lived, as they paved the way for the future abolishment of slavery in the United States.

This mini-series covers the important topic of citizen mandates that lay the foundation upon which freedom is built in the United States. Citizen mandates are the implicit or explicit command of the people to the government.

Your Citizen Mandates that Uphold Pillars of Freedom #5: Your Right to Life

By Freedom, Government

Episode #69 – In the fifth episode of the Citizen Mandate mini-series, Barry elaborates on the first pillar of freedom, your right to life. You have a right to live as you choose. The founders of the U.S. fought for your right to life. Be educated about this fundamental belief that all innocent humans have the right to live and, in particular, should not be killed by any governmental entity.

This mini-series covers the important topic of citizen mandates that lay the foundation upon which freedom is built in the United States. Citizen mandates are the implicit or explicit command of the people to the government.

Your Citizen Mandates that Uphold Pillars of Freedom #4: Citizens’ Consent to Government & Honoring of Freedom Rights

By Freedom, Government

Episode #68 – In the fourth episode of the Citizen Mandate mini-series, Barry dives into Citizen Mandate #6 and #7. Citizen Mandate #6 specifies that government shall be governed under the consent of the people it governs (of the people, by the people, for the people). Citizen Mandate #7 declares that government shall honor that three freedom rights – the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – are timeless and that these rights are preeminent over all others. All legislation should be subordinate to these three freedom rights.
This mini-series covers the important topic of citizen mandates that lay the foundation upon which freedom is built in the United States. Citizen mandates are the implicit or explicit command of the people to the government.

Your Citizen Mandates that Uphold Pillars of Freedom #3: Your Economic Freedom

By Freedom, Government

Episode #67 – In the third episode of the Citizen Mandate mini-series, Barry dives into Citizen Mandate #5: government shall not interfere with your economic freedom. Private property is personal to you and you own your labor. In addition, Barry elaborates on each individual’s natural human rights and how it pertains to absolute truth.

This mini-series covers the important topic of citizen mandates that lay the foundation upon which freedom is built in the United States. Citizen mandates are the implicit or explicit command of the people to the government. 

Your Citizen Mandates that Uphold Pillars of Freedom #2: Protection of Rights & Equality for All Citizens

By Freedom, Government

Episode #66 – The second of seven episodes, Barry explains the citizen mandates that lay the foundation upon which freedom is built in the United States. Citizen mandates are the implicit or explicit command of the people to the government. In the second episode of this seven-part series, Barry dives into citizen mandates #3 and #4: government shall apply all laws equally and the government shall protect the rights of the individual.

Your Citizen Mandates that Uphold Pillars of Freedom – #1: Limited Government

By Government, History

Episode #65 – The first of seven episodes, Barry explains the citizen mandates that lay the foundation upon which freedom is built in the United States. Citizen mandates are the implicit or explicit command of the people to the government. In this episode, Barry explores two citizen mandates that limit government power. Learn about King Charles, the Magna Carta, and other factors that led to these critical mandates.