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Barry Farah

Are the 2022 SCOTUS decisions outrageous?


Episode #80 – President Biden and the mainstream media would have you believe that the SCOTUS is behaving outrageously, ruling on the basis of party lines and personal biases. Are the 2022 SCOTUS rulings as skewed as the liberals would have us believe? The SCOTUS justices have a conservative majority, yet, 36% of the major rulings in 2022 were either unanimous or had a 7 to 2 or 8 to 1 vote. In the first episode of this mini-series on SCOTUS decisions, Barry unpacks their 2022 rulings — how the judges voted and what the polls say about public opinion of the issues. 

Can Gen Z turn pro-life?

By Abortion, Gen Z

Episode #77 – 71% of Gen Zers, ages 9 through 24, think abortion is morally acceptable.  So how do you influence a Gen Zer who is pro-abortion? In this episode, Barry looks at the subject of abortion through the lens of a typical Gen Zer and gives practical advice for engaging with this young generation.

How a Hollywood PR Campaign Helped Legalize Abortion

By Abortion, History

Episode #75 – The era leading up to the 1972 Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion was riddled with lies pertaining to abortion. Leading the charge was journalist and activist, Larry Lader, and medical doctor, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who saturated the media with propaganda. In this episode, dive deeper into the turning tide of public opinion on the subject of abortion.
This episode is part of Barry’s series on abortion. For the last episode, “How Abortion Became Illegal in All 50 States,” visit

How Abortion Became Illegal in All 50 States

By Abortion, History

Episode #74 – Abortion was controversial way before the 1973 decision that legalized this practice. Throughout history, there have been divided opinions about the morality of abortion. The legality of the practice has varied in the United States, from Colonial times into the modern day. In this episode, Barry dives into the philosophy and history that led up to the 1910 decision to make abortion illegal in all 50 states.

Unmasked: CDC’s Mask Mandate Ruled Unlawful in Court

By CDC, COVID, Executive Orders, Freedom

Episode #73 – People have been required to wear masks in airports, train stations, on airplanes, buses, and other means of transportation. If you failed to comply you could go to jail, be fined, or, at minimum, be removed from your seat on the bus, train, or plane.  Two brave women and the Health Freedom Defense Fund blew the whistle on the unlawful mask mandates across the U.S. and brought the legal fight directly to the CDC. In a powerful court ruling, Federal Judge Kathryn Mizel ruled the mask mandate overstepped the authority of the CDC and violated the process required for rule-making defined in the Administrative Procedure Act. In this episode, Barry Farah explains the court case and the effects on our freedom.

Your Citizen Mandates that Uphold Pillars of Freedom #8: The Pursuit of Happiness

By Freedom, Pursuit of Happiness

Episode #72 – In the eighth episode of the Citizen Mandate mini-series, Barry promotes the powerful pillar of freedom, the pursuit of happiness also known as the “American Dream.” Understand the link between the fundamental right to pursue happiness with purpose and personal responsibility. You can go for it however you desire – as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others to do the same. 

This mini-series covers the important topic of citizen mandates or the social contract that lay the foundation upon which freedom is built in the United States. Citizen mandates are the implicit or explicit command of the people to the government.



Your Citizen Mandates that Uphold Pillars of Freedom #7: Your Right to Liberty

By Freedom, History, Liberty

Episode #71 – In the seventh episode of the Citizen Mandate mini-series, Barry unpacks the history of what led the founders to build the foundational pillar of liberty. a powerful talk. Along the way, learn about the classical approach to education, the history of the tyrant, Oliver Cromwell, and the fascinating lineage of George Washington.

This mini-series covers the important topic of citizen mandates that lay the foundation upon which freedom is built in the United States. Citizen mandates are the implicit or explicit command of the people to the government.